Sebastopol Solar Farm has created job opportunities during construction and operation.
- 150 workers were employed during construction of the project.
- 3 jobs were created to support operation. These workers and their families live locally and are a part of the community.
- Maintenance contracts for panel cleaning, fence repair, road grading, etc. will also be required and will be met by local suppliers.
- The employment benefits extend through the local supply chains to use of fuel supply, vehicle servicing, hotels/motels, B&B’s, cafés, pubs, catering, cleaning companies, tradespersons, tool and equipment suppliers and many other businesses.
FRV is passionate about Sebastopol solar farm and recognises the importance of ensuring the success of the solar farm for the local community and ongoing engagement with the community during the operation phase of the solar farm. As part of this ongoing engagement, FRV has provided co-funding for the supply and installation of solar streetlights at Lake Centenary. The 127 solar bollard lights will cover approximately 50 per cent of the walking track at Lake Centenary, enabling the community of Temora safe access to the popular walking track 24 hours a day.